dreams of a better future

129 updates
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Thank you for checking out my little site! I love the art piece by Isono! I also went a bit through your journal and think it's really cool how you're working hard on being eco-friendly and helping with so much community stuff around you!
pure-electric 1 month ago

hi!!!! thank you so much for checking out my page! your site is a huge inspiration both in terms of how swag it looks and what you’re posting about— i’m trying to garden more in addition to other solarpunk stuff :3

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solar-cyber-punk 1 month ago

That warms my heart! Both the one for plants and the one for simple web design! If you ever grow something fun or just super delicious, let me know!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 9, 2023
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solarpunk futurism sustainability permaculture