
1,917 updates
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Due to Twitter being such a dick, I have decided to nuke my account on there. -- Shiguma
simply incredible!
very underrated website. Very cool!
1 like
retrogrydon 1 year ago

Thanks, mate!

Awesome website. If you read this i hope you keep updating it. This is definitely a worthy project.
My apologies if I have not made any progress recently. The political dimension has been acting "unstable" as of late. It once got to a point I lost a few users. Am I back from hiatus? Not exactly, but just enough to experiment and tweak a little. More to come soon, provided my motivation remains stable.
1 like
Terminus was updated.
3 years ago
1 like
Terminus was updated.
3 years ago
Terminus was updated.
3 years ago
1 like
Heya, povo. You're free to take down the "EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT" if you so wish.
1 like
The IRC Grid is temporarily unavailable at the moment, due to stressful reasons. I've been better enough to atleast open the site back up, so that's good.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedSep 29, 2018
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multipurpose terminal sigma cyberman matrix