Hey! It's R.K. Smith!

3,973 updates
1 tips
nohappynonsense 11 months ago

this is hella rad

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Went through and added what I think is all the banners from everyone following me so far to the links section, if I missed ya let me know!
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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

could just be something wrong on my side, but the link banners don't load for me. I see the image shells pop up really quickly but then the entire element vanishes and even your own banner doesn't appear

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rksmith 1 year ago

I forgot to un-block neocities and people's pages from my adblocker and once I did that it made everything pop back up again for me, so it might be an overly sensitive ad blocker seeing all those links and thinking it's trouble

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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

yep, that did the trick!

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Wanted to assure everyone I am infact alive, I've just been working on some big stuff that's taking awhile before it's ready to start showing off. One project in particular that's almost ready to fully reveal is a band me and my partner are working on! We almost have the demo tracks ready for our first album and I'll definitely make a page on my site for it when it's done, so everyone here will be the first to know~

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 27, 2022
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