Hey! It's R.K. Smith!

3,973 updates
1 tips
Re-found and made my handwriting into a font for the about section~
Hey, thanks so much for the link! I love your site, especially that wiggly computer at the top. :D
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rksmith 1 year ago

Thank you, your site looks awesome too! I remember when the first episode of Invader Zim premiered and the pain of hunting down those season dvds in the ancient times haha. Yeah I'm stoked with how the floaty compy came out, I made it so every time you refresh there's a different game on the screen. There's a little over a dozen now but I plan on adding more as I go!

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itsnotstupid 1 year ago

I remember hunting down those dvds too, haha. Such a prize, each time! I never did get the extras dvd with the house box though, which I still regret, lol. (There was also a time I had just badly strained my back and I still went out of my way to drive to Hot Topic to get the next dvd so I had something to do while laid up for days. I was in agony but was that dedicated lmao!)

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itsnotstupid 1 year ago

As for the computer screen, that's awesome! So many options. o3o

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rksmith 1 year ago

I think I managed to come across the box with the bonus disk at like a huge multi-story barnes and noble in Chicago, still have the service mode gir in plastic that came with it haha

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Finally got a proper sitemap for my page set up, I based the header graphic off the opening day Epcot map cuz Epcot's one of my favorite parks and I felt the old school future thinking vibe fits in well
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Started working on the music section, eventually I wanna add more bands and make a page for each with some fan art n stuff. I almost have the Devo page done but I gotta add a lil' more before it goes live.
rksmith 1 year ago

Also been working on music with my partner and we're ~this close~ to having some demos we'd feel cool sharing with the world

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Love your site, you're nailing the early cg look! Feels like I'm exploring a lost edition of Microsoft Encarta haha
warp-zone 1 year ago

thank you very much!!! oh gosh microsoft encarta has such a beautiful vibe, that's a very nice compliment (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Great site, love all your Quality Graphics™, added your banner to my links!
webpage-1990-colourised 1 year ago

Thanks, I've done the same!


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CreatedJul 27, 2022
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