Fish Temple

254 updates
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loves1ck 1 year ago

oh miriel is so beautiful! 🩵💙

sakana 1 year ago

Thank you! She was fun to play, and even though it's really complicated to do, I like drawing her water hair. ^^

sakana 1 year ago

Decided to stop being lazy and start to actually upload image galleries for my OCs instead of just dumping an imgur link at the bottom of the page.

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teethinvitro 1 year ago

Cool artstyle. I like the colouring.

sakana 1 year ago

Thank you very much! It's a mix of my own art and commissions/gifts from other people.

Need to edit page to add a NSFW warning to my Pillowfort link, sorry if I accidentally blasted anyone's eyeballs with NSFW art. PF bills itself as having strong NSFW controls (you can 100% switch off all adult content with a setting, it is set to this by default) but I just learned that this only applies to people with accounts. If you look at a PF page without being logged in/without an account, you see EVERYTHING.
sakana 1 year ago

I would prefer it if you could only see 18+ stuff if you are logged in and have enabled the setting so that it's opt-in. But I understand why they didn't design it that way even if I don't like it.

ziggybeeps 1 year ago

How active is Pillowfort? I feel like I never see any activity there anymore, but I also joined a whiiile back

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sakana 1 year ago

Medium-active. Twitter's acquisition by Musk saw a bunch of people flood back to the site + new sign-ups, and they got something like 170% funding last month which is more than I've ever seen. But it's still small and slow-moving, it's no Tumblr.

sakana 1 year ago

Dream logging is very hard, especially when you're compelled to write with full detail.

sakana 1 year ago

Really long time since last mutuals button wall update, but done now, thank you for your support as usual.

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sakana 1 year ago

In the end, I felt like having a picrew representation of myself on my about was a bit lame... but now, putting my face here feels a little dangerous given the psychopaths that use Neocities lol.

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I batted for DeviantART for so many years but it's impossible to do anymore. The whole site's an AI art cesspit and the fact that they introduced their own generator (a SD fork trained on DA images, I think) feels like admitting this is the new direction they want the site to go.
sakana 1 year ago

I'm not actually opposed to AI art, the part that bothers me is that on DeviantART, AI-generated artwork and handdrawn artwork aren't distinguished from one another, they show up alongside each other. On Pixiv, AI art is considered a different category and if you don't want to see it you can turn it off.

sakana 1 year ago

Also there are tons of people who blatantly post stuff made in MidJourney and go "haha hey I'm new here do you like my digitial painting, I did it in like an hour :3"

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humanfinny 1 year ago

i literally just got back onto it since 2014 and things immediatly turned for the worst :( i also miss the old look

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sakana 1 year ago

I agree, I like the old layout!

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healerboy1004 1 year ago

Same, I miss old dA so much. Or maybe just the old way of things? The constant demand for “new content” is so hostile to artists.

dokodemo 1 year ago

wasnt DA bought by the same company who owns WIX? thats what i heard when they switched the layout, at least.

It never hurts to have a sitemap somewhere, but owing to my desire for clarity and usability, it'd be pointless for me because my site's already laid out incredibly straightforward.
Your art's really nice, especially that style you used for the pagedolls throughout your about section, I'm not sure what it reminds me of... It's kinda pop-anime that you might've seen in old jp magazines in the late 90's early 00's? Very cool.
humanfinny 1 year ago

thank you so much! i think that was the vibe i was goin for with those haha :D I love your site btw (only realized i wasnt following now???), its so pretty and all the mermaid memorabilia <3 amazing

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sakana 1 year ago

Added a bunch of new people to links, sorry for keeping you waiting, I was redoing everything.

rexalted 1 year ago

this is gorgeous :)

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CreatedDec 3, 2021
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