Shiraru's Fun House

192 updates
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Fuck it it’s too hard… I ramble too much you Will know the lore of my plushies I guess
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Argh I don’t want to keep using discord to host my images but I gotta… maybe I will use like catbox or something… I’m a normiieeeeeeeeee I should use normie productssssssss
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shiraru 7 months ago

I am thinking about being a supporter at some point tho…

deadmall 7 months ago

images don't take up much space locally, i sort mine like this: and then when you want to call up an image, your url would be pointing to the local directory where it's stored. in my case, if i wanted to call up an 88x31 button, the url would be "Images/SIDEBTTN/shiraru.png"

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deadmall 7 months ago

file extensions seem to be case-sensitive and won't display on your site if the url points to a .PNG when it's really a .png, or vice-versa. it's quirky but definitely workable

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Please someone tell me that there is an easier way to resize all the images at once… I don’t want to manually have to resize them all…
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Okay so I’m just gonna create all the tables now and then figure out how to embed the images because I thought google drive had an embed image feature…
shiraru 7 months ago

Since I’m not working this weekend I should actually be able to have everything done by Sunday provided I’m not stricken by must lay in bed fever

Coded two lines out of 49 for the table it’s so over bros
shiraru 7 months ago

Taking a thirty minute break

In the time it took me to get over my princess maker addiction (I’m going back to it I just find it hard to sit at my computer for such a long time) I received another plushie
Wakes up from my nap
will i actualy code today? lets see...
I actually did make some new page buddies today but I got distracted I forgot to upload them…
And what if I made princess maker pages that tracked the endings I’ve gotten in every run
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2023
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