Shiraru's Fun House

192 updates
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Anyone else in this thread paying off student loans
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Just learned that discord is banning hot linking…. Girl what.
Hmmmmm I think Sunday I’ll go ahead and try and start on the plushie page…
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i think for the plushi gallery i will use the same layout i have for my oc gallery... since my BITCH WIFE (art gallery) wont cooperate with me.
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shiraru 8 months ago

and i think... i woll make it only accessible through the about me page since its something i care about! my plushies i love my plushies rhey are me! but i do have to fix the mobile view port at some point...

I read a post about code theft on neocities and man… man… what’s the point of making your own website if you’re not gonna learn the basics of coding… where’s the fun…
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shiraru 8 months ago

I’ve been through hell making my shitty little website but it’s the journey… that makes the destination…

Hmmmm hmmmmm I think next week I will start gathering images of all my stuffed animals so I can make my stuffed animal shrine… I can even add the Kickstarter stuff I backed too!! I miss updating lol but I still need to figure out how to make a gallery…
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Sorry I’ve been silent… have no idea or mental capacity to do website stuff… society if I never had to work ever
ill post it again whenever im ready... ill keep writing my thoughts andni guess oublish them all together whenever it finishes maybe i dunno
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qctually! no media oage for a while. its hard to write things in a qeekly basis when you dont know how to code in the first place...
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shiraru 8 months ago

she will be deleted.

Anyways I was supposed to have the Fionna and cake page done today but splatfest doesn’t end until 8 so I gotta do it tomorrow I’m also revamping my commission thing and thinking about moving it to here aswell

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2023
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art personal creatives