Thunder Ca-a-at!

179 updates
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umm what should I make a page about? I want to make a page but I have no ideas! Give me your suggestions
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roachparade 5 years ago

i've talked to you about music i like, what about music you like?

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thundercat 5 years ago

good idea!!

talk talk talk... talk talk talk... WOW
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roachparade 5 years ago

nice to be able to talk to you!

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thundercat 5 years ago

I like talking ot you, Bugland!

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roachparade 5 years ago

me too! ^_^ you actually give my dumb song recs attention haha

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thundercat 5 years ago

not dumb! they are very cool! and sometimes there's cats :3

roachparade 5 years ago

i'm glad you like!!! do you enjoy the songs themselves? because god, i could rec so many korean girls songs haha. but the cats are definitely the best bit!

thundercat 5 years ago

I like the songs! They are good songs

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roachparade 5 years ago

glad you like!! i suggest you look more into fromis_9 if you like that ^_^ and loona also, but their style varies a lot!

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I talk now!!
thundercat 5 years ago


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hi!! i like your site :3
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yknow, if you liked let me in, you may also like dkdk by fromis_9. it's also pretty girls and cats :D
neofur 5 years ago

and it slaps

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Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedNov 18, 2018
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