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1 month ago
rbuchanan 1 month ago

Is the Dakota drivable? Also, can it be insured after your insurer's declaration?

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y2kbug 1 day ago

It has a salvage title at the moment. It is driveable again but not currently street legal yet. I am slowly rebuilding it and plan on driving it sometime later this year. I have to mail in paperwork inorder to get a rebuilt title. The frame has been fixed and dents have been beat out and filled in already. It still needs painted and a few other things.

y2kbug 1 day ago

Once i get the truck street legal i don't think i will have any problem with insurance. I think I still have insurance on it. I should probably cancel it for now.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 3, 2019
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