muse ariadne writing club

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here is my rather meta response for this prompt wahoo
ryomakesthings 1 hour ago

I like how raw and 'unclean' the feeling you're communicating is, kind of like those thoughts that we find too ugly or shameful to share despite being very common and human. I really like the format too, and the contrast created by the differing lengths of the two paragraphs!

posted my response to this week's prompt!
manyface 13 hours ago


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ryomakesthings 11 hours ago

@manyface thank you so much, glad to hear y'all enjoyed it!

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wow, i have been awful about updating the prompts. i literally have them written i just forget to post them 😭 please understand that y'all are always free to bug me on this personal account if i haven't posted the prompt !!
tehuan 2 days ago

this week's prompt though !! look for patterns in chaotic & ‘random’ events, experiences, behaviors, etc. these could be in nature, in our own emotions & actions (or inactions), in the structure of a city, in a computer, in a body. do these patterns uncover an underlying order or meaning? are they coincidental?

manyface 2 days ago

this is an awesome prompt and one of my favourite subjects :D !!!!! very excited to write on this topic. your prompts are always so wonderful! - j

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tehuan 2 days ago

you're so sweet thank you !! i'm really glad, and i hope the prompt takes you somewhere you really like !! can't wait to read it :]

here's our prompt fill for the brief encounters week. - j
ryomakesthings 4 days ago

this must not have been easy to share, thank you for letting us in. I absolutely love the sentence about encounters evaporating, it feels like the calm after the storm that destroyed your shelter - it's bitter but quiet still. if it's of any help it is quite normal to have dreams that our conscious self finds disturbing or inappropriate, I hope you are healing and are doing well!

manyface 3 days ago

@ryo thank you for reading and understanding! im actually okay right now, sometimes i just write extremely heavy stuff to exorcise it from my mind. i actually am healing so much and doing better than ever, writing stuff like this is part of the process! - j

this week's fill: about grief and brief childhood memories
owlroost 4 days ago

He sounds like he was a wonderful man. I feel like I got a little of your love towards him through your writing- he might be gone, but it's okay to still care.

manyface 4 days ago

this was extremely beautiful and heartfelt!! it makes me think of my own grandparents, my maternal grandfather died when i was 7 too... all your emotions are okay and valid and please take as long as you need to grieve! - j

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ryomakesthings 4 days ago

thank you so much for sharing this with us - it's such a bittersweet piece. I remember feeling that same misplaced anger you speak of - I don't think we ever fully stop grieving but I believe it means they left an impact on you and that piece of them will be with you for as long as you live.

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a bit late but I posted my response to the latest prompt!
owlroost 4 days ago

Love the use of repetition and spacing! Adds to that feeling of glancing at someone hoping they'll accidentally meet your eyes.

manyface 4 days ago

seconding owlroost! the use of space here is wonderful! you did a very good job of conveying that emotion of brief serendipity! - j

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my fill for this weeks prompt,!
ryomakesthings 5 days ago

I absolutely love your vocabulary and the imagery you paint through it, very evocative!

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manyface 4 days ago

wow, this was so cool and visceral and interesting to read... your word choices are sublime!!! - j

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Responded to the brief encounters prompt- fair warning that this is a heavy one, but it's a story I keep telling because it gives me hope that it happened at all. There are some good people out there, folks!
falconiforme 5 days ago

That was a lovely story, thank you for sharing it :)

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ryomakesthings 5 days ago

this is such a well-written yet raw piece - I definitely recognise the long-gone pattern of intrusive thoughts. I also really appreciate the advice at the beginning and at the end, it's all so very thoughtful. thank you so much for sharing!

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manyface 4 days ago

this is a really good piece, and i am really happy that you had gabriel in your life for that brief encounter. we've struggled with suicidality too, your piece really captures that thought pattern well. my sister's bf is called gabriel, maybe good people are just called that... - j

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sneekrealm 3 days ago

ok this made me cry (tho ive fortunately not had to deal w such thoughts, but simply seem to be slipping into some rough patch these past couple days that im tryin to handle ok enough)

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hi everyone! i'm SO sorry for not posting a prompt this monday! i tried to, but our wifi has been horrible and it seems like it never actually saved 😅 i've just posted it to the site, though!

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club writing prompts