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TEHUAN was updated.
1 day ago
TEHUAN was updated.
2 days ago
wow, i have been awful about updating the prompts. i literally have them written i just forget to post them 😭 please understand that y'all are always free to bug me on this personal account if i haven't posted the prompt !!
tehuan 2 days ago

this week's prompt though !! look for patterns in chaotic & ‘random’ events, experiences, behaviors, etc. these could be in nature, in our own emotions & actions (or inactions), in the structure of a city, in a computer, in a body. do these patterns uncover an underlying order or meaning? are they coincidental?

manyface 2 days ago

this is an awesome prompt and one of my favourite subjects :D !!!!! very excited to write on this topic. your prompts are always so wonderful! - j

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tehuan 2 days ago

you're so sweet thank you !! i'm really glad, and i hope the prompt takes you somewhere you really like !! can't wait to read it :]

TEHUAN was updated.
1 week ago
ok so why am i actually good at writing artist statements/piece descriptions. like these r so creative and fire. look at me go y'all
tehuan 1 week ago

i'll post them to my notebook rn actually. no poems attached though

tehuan 1 week ago

nvm the last one turned out not ideal but it's ok. the first two were fire

i keep not updating my notebook for too long 💔 i just have too much going on to be consistent. it’s so annoying. girlfriend’s birthday today though :] hoping she likes her gift
gammagoop 1 week ago

im the same way... i have my journal doc open in another tab rn and im very much not writing in it :P happy bday to your girlfriend! :D

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sneekrealm 1 week ago

thats so funy bc it was my only ex's bday (may 24) too

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tehuan 1 week ago

@gammagoop that's so true actually.. i need to do it again...... i will be back !! i promise !!! LMAO

tehuan 1 week ago

@sneek oh my god that's too good. i feel like so many people have may 24th birthdays... so odd. happy birthday to ur ex i guess 💀 if they're cool enough LMAO. otherwise, happy birthday revoked

3 body problem is So fucking good so far. really need to read the book as well...
angelogistics 1 week ago

the books are craaaaazy i haven't seen the american show yet but im probably gonna this summer !! my parents said its like semi accurate though which is cool

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tehuan 1 week ago

omg yesss i can’t wait to read them ! and yeah it’s pretty good! also cool because the parts not in america aren’t spoken in english— they just have subtitles. always appreciate that :]

thank you for the follow!! i admire your site so much,,, the vibes are impeccable
tehuan 1 week ago

you're so sweet, tysm !! i adore ur site too 🌟

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TEHUAN was updated.
1 week ago
there is no better feeling than someone giving u a nickname. like it doesn't have to be creative i've just melted every time someone called me xal instead of xalli or smth. it feels like such a significant transitional moment from strangers or acquaintances or mutuals to something more familiar. idk. intimacy in small moments etc etc. more thoughts to come. share urs also if u want :]
aubr 1 week ago

a lot of my friends call me "aub" but my partner (who wasn't my partner at the time) calls me "aubs" and i dont know why i like it a lot more but i really do. i think its because the only other people who have called me that in my life were my parents. so it feels so much more intimate. makes talking to my partner feel more special & significant. intimacy in small moments!

tehuan 1 week ago

that's so sweet, i love it so much. i totally get that feeling. i would call my recent ex (doesn't feel like the right term but oh well) has instead of hasmik and like. none of her other friends would call her that. literally me n her mom LMAO. but anyway, it felt so cloe & intimate & beautiful. i love that feeling so much

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sneekrealm 1 week ago

my actual 1st name isnt very nicknameable but ive had people (mostly on discord) call me a lot of permutations of sneek its cute. some1 i had a crush on in '21 (but fell out with in the end Lol) had a bit of a funny monopoly on that but i got other permutations that some others would have as their go-to for me at whatever point so 2 speak... snake, sne, sneebus, keens, šnek etc. (but my fav gotta be sneebert)

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sneekrealm 1 week ago

but theres been So many others lol, see (but i still get called sneek the most online i guess)

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tehuan 1 week ago

oh my god yes i love it. i feel it though, the name i go by a bit more irl (dominic) is like... nicknameable, but in a sort of boring way. like getting called dom is.... whatever. cutest nickname i've gotten from it is domi by my abuelo. also the sneek nicknames r impeccable i love them

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mism4tchedsocks 1 week ago

my friends call me my nickname so much they forget my full name hahah. another friend often calls me a vegetable which name is close to mine. last year a lot of my teachers called me by my nickname aswell. my parents sometimes give me another nickname and its super sweet but in my dialect it also means "ass" which is weird and funny!! nicknames are so silly man

vagueshape 1 week ago

my irl name is hard to nickname but my fiance calls me moon or peach :)

dustbunnybedroom 1 week ago

to this day i still go by the very first nickname (jp) given to me by one of my elementary teachers! lol

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tehuan 1 week ago

you guys get me so much i love these. thank u for sharing 🌟 naming as intimacy !!!

iztopher 1 week ago

my name (or, one of them, anyways, iz) is a nickname given to me by my parents & used by a bunch of my friends. i realized i felt really at home w it in a way i didn't feel w my full name. and then my username on p much everything is a nicknamed extension of that name by my older sibling

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writing zines anarchist photography queer