
4,751 updates
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Wowowow your website is going to look so cool I can tell!! Thank you for following also, I'm excited to see what you'll do with your website next :D
Sorry I didn't respond right away, but thank you for following!! It's always so nice seeing people with similar interests as me, so your website was a real treat when I saw you following. Thank you!
oh dear oh dear ;; It seems some of my assets stopped working and it's so upsetting, I had music on every main page but now it won't play? The links are from catbox (not litterbox) but I have other assets from there not disappearing. Even when I put the image in catbox again it doesn't work.Does anyone know what's happening? Or is there a way to fix this without downloading everything again? Thank you in advance!
caitsith 1 day ago

i'm having the same problem, hoping its just a temporary issue!

amari-ga-shin-da 1 day ago

I see I see ;; I'm glad it isn't just me then ^^; It's a bit annoying especially since my code is so messy so I can't find what's missing lol

Thank you for following! I really like the 2000s web style your website is going for, I can tell it's going to look super cute in the future!
Thank you for following back!! I love the floral/shoujo theme of your website! I also really like your art since it's so unique to me :D Thank you once again !
sanguineroyal 1 week ago

thank you so much! love your site as well<3

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miniwildpanda 1 week ago

this update is soooo cool !!!!! ur site looks adorbss :D

I am absolutely in love with your website!! It embodies everything I like about design! I'm glad we have a lot in common in terms of design, like lolita and shoujo theming, so it was a treat seeing your website :D (Longer version of this in your guestbook!)
shydeer 2 weeks ago

thanks so much!!!! this is such a kind compliment, it really brightened my day <3 and ditto, it's very cool to meet other people with design tastes in common. it's a wonderful feature of the small web that social media can't offer!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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art anime cute oldweb lolita