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Sorry for spamming your feed again ;; Does anyone know how to place an image in a custom area away from everything? Like if I wanted to add a picture of a strawberry on the corner of my container thing so it looks like a sticker, only it doesn't follow the screen and stays there. Sorry, I'm awful at coding and I'm really sorry for spamming your feeds once again, but thank you if you know how to do this ^^;
2cherrish 2 months ago

for an image style, if you use 'position: absolute' and just adjust the 'top/bottom' and 'left/right' to whatever you want, you can place it anywhere on the screen! ill look for a more in depth explanation to help :3

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2cherrish 2 months ago

this has a bit about positioning! hopefully itll help

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amari-ga-shin-da 2 months ago

I see I see !! Thank you very much for this, unfortunately I don't know exactly how to add this to the css ;; Do I add it to an existing group? Do I make it separate from the others at the bottom of the page? Or do I have to link the div group to a whole new css page? Sorry I'm just really new and bad at this, but I really appreciate your help !

catcakes 2 months ago

apologies for barging in but i thought id throw my hat into the ring too - if you want to kind of "stick" the image on there the way i'd do it is with (you can place this anywhere in the area) and just play around with the top/bottom/etc. values like 2cherrish mentioned

catcakes 2 months ago

ok the 'code' part got eaten up for some reason but < img src='strawberry.png' style='position:absolute;top:whatever;left:whatever' > should do the trick

amari-ga-shin-da 2 months ago

I see I see :o Thank you both for your help!! I'll see how this looks right now :D

amari-ga-shin-da 2 months ago

It worked like a charm!! Thank you so much for this even if it was really easy to figure out ^^

amari-ga-shin-da 2 months ago

should the item stay in one place or should it change based on values? Maybe my garbage laptop is acting up, but the only time the location changes is when I change the top to bottom? I'm 99% sure it's just me though lol

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