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( the following blog certainly has begun to make me interested in the idea of mass power on Paint. It is unrelated to the blog technically, however I noticed how quickly the blog went from 5 upvotes, to 1, then 0 balanced. It might fall to negatives soon. Considering it was done with essentially dead members (Thi500, Dani, Lizzie, and yaynikki), I wonder what you could do with more
dc-blog 1 month ago

terminally online people like myself. If we manage to get 20 terminally online people for blogs, polls, groups, etc then we may unironically have an empire waiting to happen. We wouldn't even need multiple accounts each, yet we could control Paint even more than we already do. Idk, I'll have to think on it. Ofc, I don't abuse alt-accounts for my bidding as I have standards and people I war against do not either, but

dc-blog 1 month ago

still. Also, I find it funny how poorly put together most pro-LGBT arguments seem to be by many people. Its just "uhm u must seperate state/religion + sexuality/religion", "2000 year old book", etc. Hell, Thi500's retarded comment just ignores the Bible like the sub-80 IQ idiot he is.

dc-blog 1 month ago

( for one, you can "disagree" with LGBT. By his logic, you couldn't "disagree" with anything because it's "none of your business what people are or how they choose to live". Secondly, "you don’t respect lgbt because a book said to. you respect them because it’s the right thing to do" is merely an opinion with no actual conclusive reasoning given to respect them, ironic since

dc-blog 1 month ago

"le bible" or whatever they'd say is arguably far more of a moral-code than just "its right because uhm yes". You could at least list a reason, of which even I can do. Thirdly, "im not religious but i know Jesus was a real guy and he would absolutely despise modern christians. Yall are a joke lmfao" ignores the fact that the Bible itself condemns homosexuality. Even if it did not, and even if he despised us now, he

dc-blog 1 month ago

would despise modern-Christianity for FAR different reasons than Thick ball disorder over here thinks. To put it simply, no, Jesus was not a queer-supporting man. Biblically that seems like a hell no, and even if we went by what historians say only, he probably wouldn't have supported LGBT still.

didntask 1 month ago

I don't have the energy to argue with anti-Christians, I wasted it all being one. Stay strong in Christ, brother.

dc-blog 1 month ago

TLDR: Jesus was not like "shiiiiiit man u can suk dik all u waont n shiet we in da hood n it fine", not Biblically and probably not "historically".

dc-blog 1 month ago

@didntask I find it entertaining in a way, usually because it is so poorly thought out. I can generally get the proof to refute claims by mere quick searches. And their ONLY arguments are "you see, if I interpret it so poorly it can fit my definition, it actually isnt against *insert obvious sin*! bigot"

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

Jesus was a hippie b4 being a hippie was cool so... idk. maybe he was lol

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dc-blog 1 month ago

@chipsfunfun to be fair tho, even more liberal views back then would probably be considered pretty far from liberal today.

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