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dc-blog 1 month ago

I'm going to have to get archives of both the first and second links, I might unironically try to print it out on paper too with original AND archived-versions of the links.

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ongezell 1 month ago

If this doesn't proves that the united states is literally the biggest satanist hell hole in all existence I don't know wthat it does, they literally, LITERRALLY, made it a crime to read the scripture as it is.

ongezell 1 month ago

I've always said it and I'm gonna say it again, the united states of America is the great Satan and is controlled by AIPAC and a jewish lobby like a whore and will do anything for it, BOTH democrats and republicans follow the same satanic ring, NO IFS or BUT's THEY ARE ALL GOATS OF SATAN

dc-blog 1 month ago

@ongezell It's fucking insane to me. And there's still Christians who support fucking Israel, probably because they legit just didn't read the bill and just read whatever is said by the normies. Unironically, just rename the United States Of America to the United States of Israel by this point, it would be far more honest. Legitimately if the other countries weren't worse, I'd try to move one day XD.

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