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I'm considering doing a redesign yet again, except making it really cool. However, if I do this, it'll also be perfectly designed for terminal layout too. I'll mess with this first before I do anything. Also also, may create a repo for my website on Codeberg and updates will be pushed there as well from now on (terminal w)
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

i may try to at least get a personal email server up and running as annoying as it would be though, I'd be able to allow myself 50MB or more rather than the default 25MB (sending is 25MB at most, receiving is 50MB or even infinite tho). As for why I am considering this, it is because yes. I'll also give a custom dc-email to one specific 3DSPaint user who happens to be in the name of one of the top groups :3

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

no one else would get such an email-address tho, you'll just have to wait until I make a Venith service for that


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CreatedDec 30, 2021
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