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surenaga 2 years ago

Compare Zugzwang to Despair (May 19th - there's a Kane joke here). The difference between you and the other man is perhaps that he's had your mindset for all of his life, believing the machina would break down in "just a decade - one more year - one more month - any second now..." but all that happened is that he aged and he has convinced himself the system will destroy itself in his lifetime.

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surenaga 2 years ago

In summary -- his conviction that the world is ending is a reflection of his fear of death. The death of "the system" as a reflection of his desire for radical change -- for its death might be slow, but once its dead, drastic measures are unavoidable. Living in a personal apocalypse or personal revolution is a matter of perspective.

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surenaga 2 years ago

... So anyways, how's public transportation like in your city?

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murid 2 years ago

@Surenaga, that's really deep. I never expected such an analysis from my rants. Makes me want to rethink what I'm doing with my life right now.

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murid 2 years ago

But regarding public transport, it's kind of terrible. I have to walk long distances between stations and stops, and the waiting times are really bad. It would double my commuting time and I would be too tired to do anything else but go to work and sleep.

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surenaga 2 years ago

That better be sarcasm because I take that kind of unearned praise as carte blanche to publish unsolicited musings in comments sections. I'm thankful to my lucky stars that I live in a place with decent public transportation. I'm sorry you have to suffer the ennui of slow asphalt.

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