saint-images: Welcome to my homepage!

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Not to offend you, but your markup, let's say it this way, contains some pretty interesting design choices. Good luck making it mobile-friendly :) If you need any help from an HTML pseudo-professional, feel free to contact me at any time.
athornathornathorn 3 years ago

that was a bit uncalled for tbh

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saint-images 3 years ago

Whew, at least something about me is interesting! I suppose you're talking about me using tables, iframes and style atrributes. You can attribute it to my crippling laziness. (#_<-) I have a few ideas on adaptation though; I think it should work out.

lhfm 3 years ago

Nice pix 👍

bikobatanari 3 years ago

I really like how the film photos came out! They look like a series of long-distant memories; very nostalgic to look at for some reason.

The website's redesign is out of testing stage! All that's left is mobile support. I tried my best to keep the old feeling. I hope I did well!
nenko 3 years ago

Looking good!

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thatwhitehand 3 years ago

Looks great. I still use Windows XP all the time for music production.

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Your Website looks very nice!
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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you, this makes me extremely happy! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o You website is amazing too, the style is so pretty! And I have double respect for people who run their websites in two or more languages.

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mugmanfr 3 years ago

You're welcome, by the way, Thanks for featuring my website in this page, It will be a great help for me, my fansite and the Web series that my fansite is about :

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saint-images 3 years ago

Nooo this page wasn't supposed to become the largest preview picture ┗( T﹏T )┛

bikobatanari 3 years ago

Oh, if you were looking for my site button you can find it here: :)

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saint-images 3 years ago

Sorry, must've missed it!

Hi. Here's something I forgot to mention earlier: Some time ago you asked me about bands that had a similar sound to A Flock of Seagulls. I don't know if you saw the reply in the thread, but rbuchanan recommended that you try out the first four albums by Thompson Twins. I thought you might be interested in this info if you missed it earlier.
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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you!! (and of course huge thanks to @rbuchanan). I'm halfway through the second album and some songs sound fairly similar to what I was looking for! ♪(´▽`)

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nenko 3 years ago

I'm glad I could be of help.

bmh 3 years ago

Back when I took photography at college I learned it's an idea to keep your stock of film in a fridge. The first and last shots usually have issues from my experience. And, I always used to push the end of the film into the cylinder (I doubt it's an issue)!

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nenko 3 years ago

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures taken with your new camera! Oh, and if I ever get rich I might buy Neocities and rename it to Nenkocities. And everyone will get free supporter accounts, of course. ^_^

lhfm 3 years ago

Thanks for using my v3 button! 🥰

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incessantpain 3 years ago

You can always squeeze in a few extra frames, I've gotten 40 shots from a 36 exp roll. Hope you have a lot of fun.

saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you folks. It might not look like it, but every single comment is immensely important for me.

swf386 3 years ago

my grandpa once gave me his old polaroid from the 60s/70s, but i've never actually used it (films are too expensive for those) but i really wanted to take some photos with it.

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roxelle 3 years ago

Loved the new post! I hope the film turns out !!

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Thanks for following me!
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nenko 3 years ago

What is your thesis about?

saint-images 3 years ago

A research on using neural networks to transform 2-dimensional photos into 3-dimensional scenes. I think it was the only available topic for me because all the other supervisors had no slots left. but. My supervisor wants me to do a crapton of stuff, and apparently he wants to use it in some piece of software that his company produces.

nenko 3 years ago

That sounds interesting. I hope you do well!

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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you so much|!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 27, 2021
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