saint-images: Welcome to my homepage!

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zanarkand 3 years ago

i dont like summer a lot, but those type of photos makes me love it a lot! i really love how blue it looks!

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floppys-lounge 3 years ago

awesome! I'm glad you got a film camera! That looks like a decent little camera & its size means you'll have it with you more often when a nice opportunity for a photo comes up. I only use film myself but my old SLR was too bulky to take with me, once I got a compact camera I take it with me all the time. Looking forward to your photos.

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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you! My current main digital camera is actually very bulky, which is why I miss out on a lot of opportunities. As for the film, I found a few locations that sell and scan film, yet only one of them develops it, so I might have to learn to do it myself should they ever go out of business. Can't wait till it arrives!

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floppys-lounge 3 years ago

I just mail in my film to a lab since the local lab is pretty expensive.

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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you so much! (/▽\)

thatwhitehand 3 years ago

Ooh, Moeka. I was more of a Faris guy myself, but I liked Kurisu a lot as well...

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saint-images 3 years ago

Moeka is an underrated character, IMO, and she gets too much undeserved hate from people who don't understand what kind of a character she is. As for Kurisu, it took me some time to realize that I grew to like her as well.

bmh 3 years ago

Blossom has been appearing on trees here too this week; it's always nice to see.

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The prototype for my first shrine is up! It will be extended with more content, but I'd like to know what does everyone think of the design so far.
nenko 3 years ago

It looks really nice, you've done a great job at recreating the feel of the game. ^_^

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mirages 3 years ago

really cool !

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nenko 3 years ago

I've never been that successful at eating with chopsticks. I always look with envy when I see a little child eating with them like a pro.

Love your photos and your art! O(∩_∩)O
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mirages 3 years ago

Thank you ! ^v^

mirages 3 years ago

I like your photography as well !

Thank you for following! Your Kodak DC200 page left me in awe. (*^_^*)
dann 3 years ago

Thank you. I try to make each page different

nenko 3 years ago

Hey, about Noriaki Kasai: do you know if his ski jumping career is still active? Does he talk about it in his blog? I haven't seen him in competitions lately, so I was just wondering what he's been up to.

saint-images 3 years ago

He's occasionally competing in the Continental Cup, but mostly he's participating in domestic Japanese competitions (even winning medals from time to time!). I think he's still aiming to make it to the 2022 Olympics, but seeing as how Japan already has at least 5 World Cup-level athletes, I doubt they'll find a spot for him.

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nenko 3 years ago

I see, thanks for the info. It would be really great if he could participate in the Olympics one more time, but like you said, it's not the most likely thing to happen. But he's had an amazing career, definitely something to tell the grandchildren.

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