Teeth in vitro

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I was having trouble finding the motivation or purpose to work on this website and I considered quitting it, but I will finally begin remaking it. It will be released when it's functional, then enhanced over time. However, I still have my doubts about what or how much I want to share on it, which defeats its purpose as a "portfolio" or hub for my works. Thanks for sticking around.
vagab0nd 10 months ago

As long as you're having fun. Motivation tends to be something that exists temporarily in the beginning. Then you have to rely on decipline, which is very tough in of itself. Looking forward to what you make of it.

kaa 10 months ago

I'll be glad to see some activity on it beyond additions to *nixRing. In time, what to share and why may be clear.

teethinvitro 10 months ago

Thank you for your words.

danielsblog 9 months ago

Understand you very well. But, just never give up, and only in this way you are can got something really special!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJul 12, 2021
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