Tetrisk's Lair

1,249 updates
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Hello there! I should've said this sooner, but the concept of your website is beyond cool!! It's such an insane idea to be able to travel to any website inside Neocities' domains, including yours! I hope you get to flesh the site out more in the future, I'm curious to see what you have in store for it! ^^
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tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Oh you can bet I have a lot of ideas for it. I initially intended to make a site to host my gallery, share thoughts, etc, but now it evolved into something different in my head haha. I've been sketching different sections and interfaces, and once I learn how to use HTML's canvas, it gonna open up so many possibilities. I hope I can deliver xD

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, you're very welcome! I'm sure it's gonna be fantastic when you've got all the cool stuff ready to shine! It's very inspiring for me as well, since I do wanna add interactive stuff in my website in the future, from games to even puzzles! :]

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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art personal blog