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> I'm surprised that there's some bitmap font support for unicode in the tty. Thinking again, I know that Spleen has some unicode characters, though I don't recall seeing more than West European characters, and naming a file something like 'รก' results in garbage in the gramebuffer terminal, even with LC_CTYPE set to en_US.UTF-8.
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kaa 11 months ago


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kaa 11 months ago

Regarding mice: On OpenBSD, see wsmoused(8). On linux, see gpm(8).

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kaa 11 months ago

I now have remembered and re-confirmed, while in the framebuffer terminal, holding one of the alt keys and pressing characters results in special characters. I'm unsure where the associated documentation of the character combinations is, and it seems that it might be incompatible with unicode, for "touch"ing a file with a name containing such a character results in garbage ls output, tty or otherwise.

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