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bros, im out of school, FINALLY xd
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

got checked out and i dont have to go the rest of the year

arandomsite 2 weeks ago

My school ends thursday

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Decided to mess around with the colors, I quickly found something that actually looked decent (I was expecting it to take 10 years to be more than gray/white). || body{background-color:#a4d070;} .sidenav{background:#a5c080;}
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Example of color change (will remove later):

wizardperspective 2 weeks ago

Wow. That's pretty nice. I would have never expected greenish tones to look quite nice.

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If there's one reason I'll never, and I mean NEVER, send my kids to public-school, it's due to the fact that, despite good-grades (A's+B's, 4C's tho 1 wasn't my fault), I might STILL have to sort out bullshit with the school because I dare missed too many days. 40+ I've missed, yet grades that are above-average in my school + I just went back this year.
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Essentially the options are summer-school, repeat 9th, or find some loop-hole. Assuming they don't just excuse me like done in K-6th (yes, I've been truant my whole life but good grades lel), then that'll be a problem. Honestly, I'd just drop out because I already knew school was pointless + they pull this type of shit even if you get good grades, however I can't do that until I'm 18 or 16 with parental permission.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Yes, I'd get a GED. I'm not that retarded. Waiting until 18 isn't doable as I'd graduate 1mo before turning 18 though. I know well I'm not going to college, honestly my life-plan consists of living on nothing and just using shekels carefully.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Luckily, I don't really have any expenses already and I'm intelligent enough to not waste the money. I'm 14 turning 15 and therefore debt-less still, never will be in debt either. I don't like doing crazy shit, would only spend my money for essentials I can't get freely, etc. Food, housing, and electricity will probably be my highest expenses. I would say internet but I'm not tech-illiterate so I'd get by on nothing.

DC, can I have the HTML to your website button?
foxnet 2 weeks ago

I wanna add your site button to mine but my school blocked your website :(

cool-ant-studios 2 weeks ago

My School Didn't

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

download the button when you get home then do the code as normal, except upload it to your website + change the img src="" link

now u are red???
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

i have become red again

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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

if i didnt hate light-mode, id make it white to establish my status as the superior Aryan

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ok did some research, while its true my Chromebook screen is broken, the most I should have to pay is $80. That'll hurt a bit, but whatever I can work myself out that (it could easily be cheaper, like $50 possibly btw). The only exceptions are if accidental damage were free which I doubt, or if they tried to get me to replace the ENTIRE chromebook rather than just the screen, which I doubt they would too.
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

This'll hurt for a tiny bit, though I can still do the whole home-built laptop thing (albeit with less money, so $200 I will just make my preferred limit, although that'll be pretty hard to achieve)

Ok I've decided that I want to keep the price of a self-built laptop at $300 or below, however if absolutely necessary, I'll let it go upwards to $500 (any higher I will NOT do though). It should be cheaper than $500 easily, maybe cheaper than $300 if I get lucky with prices. I don't need like EXTREME specs, but do want something very good for a few decades and will rarely, if ever lag.
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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

8GB+256GB SSD minimum, hopefully 16GB RAM+512GB SSD. Other parts will have to be figured out. I will write down prices on paper then add up finals, comparing best vs worst I'd want + a mix of both (such as 8GB ram + 512GB SSD, 16G ram + 256GB SSD, etc).

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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

16GB RAM + 512GB SSD may be a bit of a challenge, but I will try to get at 16GB ram at the very least. I don't need anything really fancy either, so no light-up keyboards or anything like that, just something long lasting + high-quality yknow? Repairable like an older IBM-Thinkpad with the insane specs of many newer laptops. I plan to use this laptop almost exclusively, so I must make it well-built obviously.

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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

And yes, I'm librebooting + using Gentoo-Linux with a fully encrypted hard-drive (on top of encrypting many individual files with GPG-keys).

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foxnet 2 weeks ago

Good specs, definitely beats my own desktop pc specs xD

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@foxnet indeed. And since it'll run Gentoo Linux over Windows (like I presume ur device does), 16GB will probably feel more like 64GB in 99% of cases.

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New status post, it is 1.8k words as a warning so it's long {}
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Bruhhhhh lmao just saw that Lost Ipsum is only 1.1k words LMAO

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foxnet 2 weeks ago

Holy fuck, that is long!

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