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Xquellacismistna, pronounced "X-quella-cis-um-ista-na", is a random word invented by Digital Cheese, for he is a dumbass uwu.
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

don't ask what crack I was smoking, because I somehow wasn't smoking any (im too broke to do so)

whatever layout i decide to test will be on until it is finished, then it will be applied to the entire website. I may experiment with JS, but it will not ever be required (and all scripts will be small, minor enhancements to the website).
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

alright im making major progress, already liking the look of this XD. I'm also going to be making my website a bit more versatile so yay.

I will probably use RAID1 or RAID6 for an extremely large media-archive that I would build for frens + family. I will have to see
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I'm considering doing a redesign yet again, except making it really cool. However, if I do this, it'll also be perfectly designed for terminal layout too. I'll mess with this first before I do anything. Also also, may create a repo for my website on Codeberg and updates will be pushed there as well from now on (terminal w)
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

i may try to at least get a personal email server up and running as annoying as it would be though, I'd be able to allow myself 50MB or more rather than the default 25MB (sending is 25MB at most, receiving is 50MB or even infinite tho). As for why I am considering this, it is because yes. I'll also give a custom dc-email to one specific 3DSPaint user who happens to be in the name of one of the top groups :3

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

no one else would get such an email-address tho, you'll just have to wait until I make a Venith service for that

yo dc how old are u again????
yeagh 3 weeks ago

probably like 15, seems to be the prime age for a neocities user

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

14, but I'm turning 15 in June

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@connor7000 I wasn't 9 years old when I joined Neocities

yeagh 3 weeks ago

so close lol

troy-sucks 3 weeks ago

lot of youngsters here... (im 15)

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@yeagh 15 is the prime age for the Neocities userbase fr. Tbh I've been considering moving off of Neocities outside of using it as a mirror, but I can't even self-host as of now so that would be a huge task. For now, it's better to just mirror my site then when I can, I'll self-host and still have Neocities updates. seems to have some good info for easier mirroring, i'll have to mess with that

cidoku 3 weeks ago

Wow, you're a kid. Being a kid sucks, so you have my condolences.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@cidoku lmaooooo. I will admit it is nice to have 0 responsibilities, but then again that can almost be done as an adult depending on how skilled u are (pretty much, live like Unabomber I'm saying).

cidoku 3 weeks ago

Just don't get too radicalized online, alright?

yeagh 3 weeks ago

ive seen that happen a lot, tons of people talking out of their ass

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@cidoku fine I will only restore Byzantine and make myself king rather than do that AND establish a nationalist state within it for cheese-pizza enjoyers

chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

UR IN AN 18+ WEBRING AHDFSHHSFDAHSDFHFASH they dont even know im laughing dw

chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

i aint no snitch

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@chipsfunfun im pretty sure the Free Speech Webring didn't even have the 18+ requirement when I joined. As for the Book Ring, I can't remember but they likely did.

chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

if they remove you its against free speech

storm is over, we are gud
Less than 50 feet away lightning struck lmao, it physically moved me. It might've been less than 25 feet away total, I'm not entirely sure. I'm probably fine since I believe the worst is already over, however, if I don't appear within the next few days, you know why XD (I'll probably be back up within no more than a few hours tho so yay).
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

raining hard still, but i dont think its going to strike again (and certainly not less than 50 feet away, at least a few hundred feet)

cidoku 3 weeks ago

So electric

foxnet 3 weeks ago

Electric cheese

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"If I get doxxed I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." you're probably the most anonymous out of anyone here except maybe wizardperspective, however if you got doxxed, I certainly would not doubt that your empires would grow vast. Mine wouldn't change much, I'd maybe go a bit more edgy just to drive in the point that it is worthless, but otherwise business as usual.
chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

if I get doxxed yk it’s gonna be a party

lotus-cube 3 weeks ago

"When they point the guns at you, you know you must've done something right."

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dc-blog 3 weeks ago

"I don't care, I didn't put my personal information on that account anyway! xD" LMAO not even a personal email? I'm surprised there was a 'dox' at all tbh, rarely do neotards actually not sperg over nothing. "harassment and you're Ableist about me." so she can say nigger but we're not allowed to be ableist? L. Its funny when people say "don't dox me" then post ALL of their goddamn info online.

graybox 3 weeks ago

@dc-blog ikr.. like if youre gonna have what is basically your full government ID out on the internet, at least TRY to not be ABigBlueDummy and go around poking the trolls with a slur-shaped stick

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

I'm probably easily doxxable, although only because I've been absolute shit at OPSEC over the years. I've noticed how easy it is to avoid doxxing. And we still don't have a real-name I'm pretty sure unless I skipped over it by accident. Not even full-face, just parts. I will note that even if you got my dox, you wouldn't find shit on me as I'm pretty much a ghost, though you'd probably find family with little issue.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

It being so easy to find family with just one dox, in part due to their own shitty decisions, is why I'm much more afraid of getting doxxed. But otherwise, I already know I'm practically useless to dox. Oh no, you found that I live in the United States and my name is whatever, who cares XD you can't steal my non-existant land + house.

graybox 3 weeks ago

@dc-blog no literally, i have a history of having HORRIBLE opsec and ive only recently have started to do anything about it. my method is to just make all of it public so when you do eventually get doxxed, you can just pull a "oh yeah, thats common knowledge LOL"

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

@graybox based. In my case, if I get doxxed, I just won't care as long as family wouldn't get doxxed. I have no active-social media under any username and my entire family knows I hate it, so something will be off from the moment an account is even thought about being created under my name. Also, you can't really harass me either because again, lack of social media, but also I live in the middle of nowhere.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Worst case scenario, you'd fuck around and find out (get your body fed to pigs).

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

In all seriousness though (since i lack pig-farm anyways and dont like the effort): You legitimately have no power against me if you just attack me. But the moment you attack innocents, you do worse than I ever would've done even in the worst case scenario uwu.

arandomsite 3 weeks ago

damn yall actually face revealed her

pnnamerica 3 weeks ago

If I get doxxed I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


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