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I finally did changes to the image-gallery, which took a minute. Rather than sorting by year, I sort by image-subject now as that is far more easily accurate than the former. I will likely divide certain things up a bit further than they are already divided in the future, but this is how it stands as of now.
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Change the link to, that works on N3DS but New Reddit does not (Reddit L). There used to be which was even better as it was the legacy-mobile web layout, but that doesnt exist anymore im pretty sure
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Check my website on the New 3DS and see if it works
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

My 3DS is in storage :( but N3DS allows most Neocities sites to work fine, so whatever. Also, if it works on O3DS then its practically guaranteed to work perfectly on N3DS

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idc its 1am im just going to update some stuff, i dont have much better to do and if i put it off longer, it'll take longer to do the changes i would like to on this website XD. I need to get out the habit of extreme procrastination, it would seriously save me months in many cases XD.
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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

also another note before i actually do anything: ive considered making a normal log into the website itself, but have decided against it for now due to the fact that it is rather redundant. However, since I will probably begin editing these things via Vim + pushing updates via GIT everywhere, the actual updates should be on CodeBerg. My account is (havent been there in a while btw)

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Re( Boobs are a federal agent psyop intended to control us all, they are NOT real and they never have been. Same for women btw, women are actually robots sent down by Joe Biden via space-lasers. When Osama Trump comes down from Mars, he is going to eliminate all federal agent psyops from this world.
graybox 2 weeks ago

Yes sheeple, this is all real! OPEN UR THRID EYE!

andyssite 2 weeks ago

thanks for the info1!!!

adriennesite 2 weeks ago

Fuck they caught on i gotta get outta here

I must LIFT, testosterone must go up
I've considerd building my own laptop from scratch. 16GB ram, 256GB or 500GB SSD, and other good-specs. Also also, many ports + LONG battery-life. If I decide to do this, I'll have to see the price of it then attempt if or when I can, also I'll have to learn some more computer skills. I will run Gentoo Linux + Libreboot the laptop. Screen will likely only be 720p, I don't need 1080p XD.
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

To make the money, I'll likely sell laptops I don't need for cash then try to find a cheap yet reliable thing for whatever it is. Amazon shows only $31 for a 512GB SSD, though I'll need to make sure it's actually good. As for more specifically what I'd want, it is something like the following within a high-quality laptop (would go desktop computer, but I have major needs for carrying my laptop around):

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

16GB Ram, 256-512GB SSD, 720P Or Lower Screen, CD/DVD Drive, USB Ports, Headphone + Microphone Jack, Ethernet + WiFi Support, VGA Port, Long-Lasting Battery Life (several days off one charge if I'm careful type of life), A Mostly Decent CPU, maybe GPU idfk. As for what it'll use:

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Libreboot. Gentoo Linux (main), TempleOS (memes) + maybe Tails OS (on flash-drive). Typical Linux-hacker larp stuff from there (terminal everything except IRC + browser). Why give a laptop extreme power only to not require more than 2GB of ram? Because why the hell not XD.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

This is far from complete, ik theres more to consider here, but this is a small view thus-far. I could probably get a few hundred total for all the stuff I have sitting around to build this laptop, and if its well I'll try to build one for a fren who'd need it too. Once I know what I'm actually doing and the final idea is done, I'll release a guide on what I did but obviously that'll be a while.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Since I can't self-host anyways, having like 5 computers total sitting around doesn't really help me (not to mention, 2 of this 5 having issues with their HDDs means thats less manpower for hosting even if I could do it now). If or when I can self-host, I'll just be sane and do an actual desktop computer lmao, easier I bet + I'm not moving a web-server much if ever.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Essentially, rather than several computers I don't need, I'll try to just build 2 I can actually use. Laptop (normal) + Desktop (web-server). We are now at the point I either become extra-extra retarded or extremely based.


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