Crow's digital house

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happy bday!!!
not really a noticable update but i did some preparing to move stuff around for v2!! i also put some screenshots of what stuff used to look like here:
owthehedge 2 weeks ago

note that some of the links might be broken i havent gone and tested them

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owthehedge 2 weeks ago

anyways my friend asked if html is easy enough for a baby to understand and i dont have a baby but i do have a little sibling which is close enough so im going to see if i can teach them html stuff

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owthehedge 2 weeks ago

wish me luck

its very fun watching the frienddex come together !!!
shinyexe 2 weeks ago

yeah! it's alot of work but i'm happy that everyone enjoys it!

as I was talking about last night, here's a (very early) wip of the animation I've been working on. hopefully I can get through this !!
owthehedge 2 weeks ago

I'm struggling to get the characters consistent . bleh whatever its a sketch it's fine

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

song is new years eve by mal blum btw

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

i need to fix stuff which ill hopefully do tommorow but im preparing to move stuff around for v2

anyways good news I'm making an animation that will hopefully get finished!! bad news I have to. work on the animatic
owthehedge 2 weeks ago

it's not that I don't enjoy working on it I know its just gonna take forever

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

also I'm drawing this on my phone which means double the amount I'll have to stretch my wrist . and double the wrists to stretch since one has to hold the phone

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

whatever I got this ^^

back from doing dualbooting stuff and playing some games - good news, nothing broke!! or maybe it did and I havent run into it yet. either way doesn't matter it functions most of the time
owthehedge 2 weeks ago

yeah stuff still takes ages but I feel like it's the fastest I'm going to get this thing. doing stuff in windows is such a nightmare but I want to use it for older games so it's not a problem

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

and then I'm going to use the uwuntu part for goofing about

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owthehedge 2 weeks ago

and also storage because may I remind you:

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owthehedge 2 weeks ago

want to downgrade the windows part to win7 so maybe it'll run better but i can't be bothered

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trying to make my laptop dualboot uwuntu and windows and it is putting the fear of god into me even though I have literally nothing to lose on this laptop
owthehedge 2 weeks ago

like I've backed everything up and I have a USB prepared if something breaks. but it's scary I feel like i has causing irreversible harm

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

*am causing irreversible harm. whatever I'm tired this'll probably be fineee I just need to leave it to do its thing

owthehedge 2 weeks ago

new recent art and fixed one of the links in the gallery!! remind me to never do this with an onscreen keyboard again

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updated recent art because i forgot. whoops! thankfully wasnt too many drawings though :) heres the one i did today im trying to figure out how early 2000s anime art works:

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CreatedNov 3, 2023
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