Crow's digital house

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owthehedge 2 weeks ago

adding peoples buttons !!

went out to try and see the northen lights again but it was too cloudy :(
I was planning to do more stuff on the characters page but got mildly distracted playing kitty cat game whoops
owthehedge 3 weeks ago

game is little kitty big city btw I wish it was a little longer but it was still fun!! also I found a glitch where if you take something from the grocery store owner and run to the area where you meet the tanuki she will clip through the cage bars to take it from you

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owthehedge 3 weeks ago

breaking news: local shopkeep breaks the laws of physics to stop a cat stealing a grand total of 1 banana

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owthehedge 3 weeks ago

going to need to continue later but !! more characters on the characters page

was going to go 1 character at a time but because I'm being kind of slow I think ill add basic info for alot of characters onto the characters page so it isn't just xantho
owthehedge 3 weeks ago

I'll have to do it tommorow though (in bed on phone currently)

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i swear im gonna fail my course solely based on my inability to do 3d stuff. Im fighting for my life trying to figure out the blender donut tutorial and thats like. the easiest one from what ive heard. im so done for
digging up old laptops to mess around anyways found this one that is so incredibly slow but hey it has a cd drive !!! was concerned it was running slow because the storage was full but it turns out this thing is a terabyte and barely full at all so nevermind I guess
your art is rlly cute! i will be stealing your button for my button wall :D
owthehedge 3 weeks ago

thank you so much!!! your art is so pretty, im a little busy right now but i'll definetly take a look at the rest of your site later/add your button !!!

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owthehedge 3 weeks ago

moved unnamed furry visual novel to the projects page because im now actively working on it!! going to start off with the writing and character designs for now

anywayyyys in good news i got project diva !! going to go back to sorting out ubuntu on my laptop while i wait for it to download (the wifi is being. slow recently this might take a while)

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CreatedNov 3, 2023
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