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So Neocities has an AI now XD. Already fucked with it thus far using terms like "goy"
dc-blog 1 month ago

Imagine I get banned from Neocities for that (i doubt I will)

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connor7000 1 month ago

april fools

I can not wait for the day that 3DSPaint finally gets to the point where I can say "I am unironically a fascist" without getting banned, simply by figuring a way past the rules. It's already become the case on Twitter, so now we just need to do it on an actually decent website.
didntask 1 month ago

The day of the 3DSPaintenreich is coming.

dc-blog 1 month ago

@didntask I can guarantee that in less than 5 years, we'll be able to say it publicly on Paint, assuming it survives that long (which I bet it would).

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

dc, i dont think ur a facist... u literally talk to me (a jew) positively, you are cool with queer people, etc

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dc-blog 1 month ago

@chipsfunfun lol ik (and ik well im not, tbh im closer to anarchy than anything). It is funny to see when people can't respond simply by calling yourself a fascist though. Words are practically worthless if you dont let them have power, so you don't care then you win by default (especially when you're trolling people who've never seen a REAL nazi, just a troll putting "deep hard butt-sex" and a swastika up at once)

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I am HILARIOUS and original (
51 minutes left until my hilarious and most original post of all time can finally go up
If I ever need slaves, I will make sure to ask Apple how they make their devices.
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dc-blog 1 month ago

On more important news, I just learned how to use Vim properly when saving files, so I no longer need an actual IDE and even LibreOffice is merely bc it's good for PDFs over the alternative. I'm so happy uWu

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>Scientific_method I meant that there is no actual common ground (named as scientific method) for all possible kinds of science if you look at the history of science. Everyone does own unique things.
Re ( depends on if we ask about the scientific method or the soyentific method. Actual scientists are schizos, soyence worshippers are (ironically) the exact opposite of what science is supposed to be.
"Homeschooled Kids Are Unsocialized And Weird" *proceeds to make fake moaning noises as a man while pretending they're straight and starts vaping in the bathroom*
dc-blog 1 month ago


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