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I got Unabomber's books finally so i don't have to read any of this stuff digitally lets goooooo ("Technological Slavery Volume 1: Enhanced Edition" and "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why And How - Second Edition" specifically)
dc-blog 4 weeks ago

Around 500-600 pages total to read I believe, and actual decently large pages too rather than something small XD. Technological Slavery I especially wanted because Unabomber himself said it was the best way to read his manifesto

cidoku 4 weeks ago

The new edition of Technological Slavery has prettier typesetting but it is missing some stuff from the previous edition, just so you know

dc-blog 4 weeks ago

@cidoku this is 1984 (so unless they plan to release a Vol 2 ever, F)

learn Hebrew. become a Jew. (why am I even saying this aghsdhfshh eheheh)
mypillowfort 1 month ago

כל כך נכון

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

cant wait to actually learn hebrew and get my bat mitzvah

dc-blog 1 month ago

I am retaining my goy ways, however still learning Hebrew for OT of the Bible so ye.

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>Learning_languages Good. Why I mentioned simping an idol is that I know so many people who automatically have learned Japanese on resident level while simping the idol. Their Japanese skills are like that they properly lived in Japan for a long time lol.
dc-blog 1 month ago

Rare simping W. Also I'm starting to make somewhat of progress on French, so finally XD yay.

>Archival Archival is good, but I recommend you to stay with analog stuff. If you start to archive neo stuff, your job will be like "Download new contents to archive the contents".
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dc-blog 1 month ago

The archive will just be things I have created, not other Neocities stuff. Though as for analog-stuff, it's probably my best bet (analog supremacy)

I'm going to try to figure out if I can do this, but if I'm able to, I will mass-archive as much as humanly possible onto my website (that I have created ofc). This means 500+ videos, 800+ writings, 100s of images, etc. Now in terms of general archival plus analog-media stuff, new status post :D
I shall note to learn grammar first, also luckily I have no life already so I can just consoom whatever until I get it minus simping for a random idol (plus even where I live, most don't know much if any French). Listen, read, write, and speak. I will try to pronounce them as a French man would say it ofc, so that way it sounds proper with the French accent
>chipsfunfun Because it sucks too much. This is how I usually use Neocities:
chipsfunfun 1 month ago

ok that's a sick ass layout I get that

>chipsfunfun Not without JS. That requires JS.
chipsfunfun 1 month ago

why don't u have that?

>Learning_languages But I wholeheartedly agree that simping an (especially Japanese) idol is the pinnacle of consumerism. So it's true that I'm quite ambivalent about it as a method of language learning.
chipsfunfun 1 month ago

you know u can reply to ur own comments right?


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